
How To Edit A Resume On Your Phone?

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Smartphonesgeek Staff

Resumes, a way to advertise yourself and your services to employers. It’s only natural to want your resume to be error-free and look its best. So whenever you come across a typo, a typeface mismatch, maybe you forgot a detail or contact information, or you just want it to look better, you would need to edit your resume. But what if you don’t have your computer or laptop with you? What do you do then? Fear not, for you can do it on your phone!

Where can I make a resume from my phone?

The wonders of living in the 21st century is the boom of technology and mobility, your phones contain thousands of functions it can carry out within seconds, and creating or editing resumes is a piece of cake. You first need a document creation app installed on your phone before you get anywhere. You have a handful of apps to choose from to edit your documents and resumes easily.

In which app can we edit a resume?

As mentioned before, there are multiple apps to choose from depending on what you need. From compact and simple to complex all-in-one word editors. Provided below are the three top-rated phone apps for editing your resume

  1. Google Docs

Google Docs is the standard in almost every professional environment. This is Google’s take on a word editor and the app presents a very clean user-friendly interface making navigating around the app hassle-free. It’s easy to use boasting a lot of features packed into the app. After a few minutes of messing around with the app, you will quickly understand why this is the go-to for modern work and general productivity.

Some of its features include but are not limited to:

  • Work on the same file on your PC, mobile, and or laptop
  • Have collaborators help you with your file
  • Easy and diverse file-type import/export
  • Version control (Track changes in your file)

  1. Microsoft Word

MS Word is also known as “Good Ol’ Reliable” is the most famous document creation software. You’re probably familiar with the name, it’s been alive for more than a decade and has a special spot in all of our family computers. Microsoft Word has since been garnering more and more features throughout its lifespan but to answer your question; YES! It’s available to download on your phone! And that’s not even the best part, the best part is it’s totally free with no strings attached. If you’re making your resume from scratch MS Word has the largest collection of templates to choose from so you can make one in a flash. I don’t need to tell you how good MS Word is, you probably already know as it’s the most renowned software there is.

To round it all up MS Word is great because:

  • Familiar user interface
  • Large collection of templates
  • A whole lot of tools for the user

So if you’re trying to have your resume perfect down to the pixel. MS Word is for you.

  1. WPS Office

If only there was a way to have the good parts of Google Docs and Microsoft Word right? That’s where WPS Office comes in. WPS Office takes only the good parts from both document creation software and combines them into one. WPS Office also has a lite version so that if you need to just fix a small part of your resume WPS Office Lite is your go-to app. In their own words “Compatible but free, smarter, and lighter” this app also works with google apps and that’s why you should consider this competitor app.

man editing resume on phone

How to edit my resume on my phone

Now that you’ve installed a document editor app on your phone you’re ready to proceed to edit your resume. First, you have to import your resume file so go to File > Open and select the file to be modified.

From then on you can select any parts of your resume and edit the text boxes, maybe change your fonts, align your columns, and make everything neat and presentable.

Once you’re done you can go to File > Save As (On Google Docs File > Download) you then have to pick your desired file type and then you can print your resume.

And that’s it! You’re done. You’ve successfully finished your resume on your mobile phone.

To recap:

  • Have your resume files somewhere on your phone
  • Download a document editor app
  • Open your resume files
  • Edit the file
  • Save as your preferred file type

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